Webmaster Projects is an online freelance marketplace that allows buyers to outsource projects and get quotes from freelancers Web & Graphics Designers, Content Writers, Web Programmers, SEO Executives... more

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» Referral/Affiliate Program

You can join Webmaster Projects Affiliate program for free and start earning revenues. WP will pay you $2 of the fees we charge users you referred. That means if you refer Freelancer, you will earn $2 every single time the freelancer is chosen for a project. If you refer buyer, you will earn $2 every time they pick a freelancer for their project, or $12.50 if they decide to post a featured project! The money is automatically added to your account, so it can help pay for projects, or you can request it to be withdrawn and we'll send it to you.

If you have a web hosting, computing, programming or an office service, small business related website, resource, forum or a community website you are invited to join our referral program and earn recurring commission.

How is it tracked?

We track the referrals by cookie - which stays on the users computer (as long as they don't remove it or cleanup the computer). In otherwords, if they signup 100 days later, it is still counted as a referral. Best of all once they signup as your referral (buyers or freelancers), you get future commissions on all the projects the buyers post and all the projects the freelancers complete.

How do I join?

You can sign up either as a Buyer or Freelancer. Once you have created an account, login to your control panel and there you will see your referral link which you can use to referrer your visitors to our site. The referral link is in the following format:

(Please replace username to your actual username)

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